ALBERT MARQUEZ 1791 Hollybrook Circle
Anchorage, AK 99507

My Phone Numbers

Alaska Local Phone: +1 (907) 717-9666 Satellite Direct SMS: (863) 204-2923 Iridium Satellite Phone: 011 8816 327 33688

My Current Time Zone (Longyearbyen, Norway)


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Often, I travel in remote areas that have no communication services. I try to stay in touch at all times so here are a few ways that you can reach out to me while I am away. When I am in remote areas, the most reliable way to reach me is by using SMS messaging. From your mobile device you can text my SMS Direct number and I will receive your message. At times, there may be a slight delay in response time while your message is being routed to the Iridium satellites.

For the best Global SMS texting experience, download the ZOLEO app from the app Store. The ZOLEO app is free and you don’t need to own a ZOLEO device to message you using the app. With this app you will be able to exchange messages up to 950 characters.


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